Importance of Well Organised Preparation

1. Students begin preparation for JEE and other entrance examinations with a lot of enthusiasm but then they reduce within a few weeks. This occurs due to lack of a realistic plan. You should plan according to your current level so that the targets are achievable.

2. A structured approach to homework and solving problems is necessary so that you utilise the time available during the day. As a result, at the end of the day you would not feel that the entire day was wasted, resulting in very less preparation and problem solving.

3. Assess the type of student you are. If you cannot solve the basic questions which are directly based on formulae, then there is no meaning in going to the tougher questions. So first solve the easy questions. Then move on to the tougher questions in your coaching material. After that solve the questions of previous year Main and Advanced Papers. Take help of AcadBoost JEE Courses where we have suitable courses for every student type. Solving these questions is the real deal as it is an indicator if you crack the examination.

4. So solve your homework in a structured manner. At the end of the day, you should also revise your previously learnt concepts. Revising in small amounts daily helps to prevent a huge revision load at the end. If you are able to solve the basic questions without any difficulty, then go for the tougher questions that are based on a combination of concepts. If you are able to solve every single question, then you are probably fit for a 3 digit or even higher AIR.

5. Do keep a check on the topics you are studying daily, so that you can ensure a balance in your preparation, not neglecting any of the three subjects. Following this in a consistent manner will boost your confidence as you will quickly cover a good portion of the syllabus along with an increase in problem solving speed.

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Kalpit Veerwal
A California-based travel writer, lover of food, oceans, and nature.

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