Ultimate book list for JEE/ NEET/ AIIMS

access_time 1588014660000 face Kalpit Veerwal
Ultimate book list for JEE/ NEET One of the biggest misconceptions which JEE, NEET aspirants have is that there is a need to study a lot of books. For 90 percent of JEE/NEET preparation, you need to study only a select set of books. That will be enough to fetch you a great rank. For advanced prepara...

Fine tuning your NEET Preparation

access_time 1588013580000 face Kalpit Veerwal
Fine tuning your NEET Preparation The months of February and March are busy, confusing and quite happening for students especially aspiring for a medical or engineering seat in India. In this article we will discuss a few crucial factors regarding the preparation and the exam itself. 1 . Learning ne...

Best Biology Books for NEET preparation

access_time 1588013100000 face Kalpit Veerwal
Best Biology Books for NEET preparation This article has been contributed by Sahla Rafat. She was the Gold Medallist of her batch at BHU and is a faculty of Biology in a renowned institute. Biology is actually the subject which lays down the foundation for selection. The remaining subjects viz. Phys...

Perfecting Physics for NEET

access_time 1588012800000 face Kalpit Veerwal
Perfecting Physics for NEET During NEET preparation, many students tend to avoid preparing Physics and often push it to the last. But it gets backfired during the examination, as without clear concepts and regular practice it is not possible to bring a good score in this subject. Check out these tip...